Canadian Expat Mom

Calgary Stampede-So We Meet Again


That was me: young, a bit wild, and not a care in the world. Back then, Calgary Stampede was like my Christmas. It came once a year and it was more fun than one could possibly imagine. For 10 days a year, everyone in the city transforms into western cowboys, partying like rock stars any time of day. The buzz in Calgary can’t be beat.

A lot has changed since the photo above: marriage, soon to be 4 international postings and 2 globe-trotting kids. So what would Stampede be like now that life is different and I haven’t been in 7 years?

I was about to find out, and see a completely different side of Stampede…one with kids!!!

But, if you know me, you might know that just because I have 2 kids, it doesn’t mean I’ve lost my love of a good night out. The next mornings are a little bit rougher, and a whole lot earlier, but usually always worth it.

I was going to start my re-introduction to Stampede at Sneak a Peek (the night before Stampede actually starts) at my old Stampede stomping grounds, The Wildhorse Saloon. This is one of the places to go for a fun night out(or day-out, depending on your stamina). But I wasn’t heading there just yet, I needed to prep first…

If you’ve never been to the Calgary Stampede before, know that you’ll need to pace yourself. Things can escalate quickly, depending on how you spend your day!

Always start with a good breakfast; and at Stampede, breakfast comes in two forms: liquid or pancake. My brother was supposed to be flipping pancakes at a company party but when I arrived to fill my belly, he was handing out vodka/OJ’s instead. Who was I to say no?breakfast2

I watched my brothers play cowboy for a bit and kept a close eye on the O.J. bar.cowboysbreakfast

A great thing about Stampede time is that many companies either have a Stampede BBQ or Breakfast going on sometime during the festivities, which means free food and drinks! Yeehaw!

With a belly full of pancakes and sausage, I was on my way. The Road Hammers were playing that night and we were ready to rock as me and 15 of my closest friends walked into The Wildhorse. The country music was pumping and I was transported back a decade– ready to get my Stampede on! Thanks to the fact that my parents watching my kids, I once again didn’t have a care in the world!stampede3stampede5stampede4

I caught up with friends, cousins, and just like the good old days, tried to keep up to my oldest brother at the bar(don’t tell our Mom).

I loved every second of it…until I had to get up bright and early to take my kids to the Stampede Parade. But I was a trooper and as my Mom says, “If you want to play, you’ve got to pay!” So out of bed I rolled and I brought my kids downtown. As they lined their little bums alongside their cousin’s on the curb, their smiles were well worth the effort of the early morning.parade1

parade4And since they’ve never lived in their passport country, I’m always happy to sprinkle in Canadiana wherever I can…and things don’t get much more Canadian than this!parade3

The next day there was yet another family breakfast- Stampede style. Up with the sun, we saddled up for yet another festive feast! At this rate, my Wranglers would be getting tight very soon!

When I used to Stampede in my ‘past life’ I usually visited the venues that served up treats of the liquid variety(if you know what I mean) because to be honest, that’s kinda what Stampede was all about back then.

But it turns out that there’s a whole other side of Stampede for people who aren’t interested in having a liquid lunch for 10 days straight.

I brought my girls to the grounds and they had the time of their lives. Rides, performances for old and young(Mom of the year that I am, put on a smiling face as I shared a patch of grass with a mob of toddlers anxiously awaiting the arrival of Dora the Explorer), rodeo, chuck wagons and the grandstand show. There’s something for everyone, and the foodie in me has to fill you in on the crazy stuff they’re serving up on the midway.food2

Pickles stuffed with hotdogs and then made into a corn dog, oreo churros, mac and cheese stuffed hamburgers, deep fried oreo milkshake and chocolate dipped bacon–just to name a few. I instantly felt all my hard work at the gym slipping away. I knew there was no way I was getting out of there without eating a week’s worth of calories.pickle

I decided to introduce my girls to the North American delicacy better known as the corn dog. Like many things I loved growing up in Canada, I wanted to share it with my daughters. Perhaps not the healthiest option, but hey, we were at the Stampede, and at least it beats a deep fried Mars bar!food1

As for my waistline, I treated it to a giant ‘colossal onion’ as I happily watched my girls rock the house with Dora the Explorer. My how times have changed!oniondora

So my friends, I will leave you with one piece of advice: pace yourself. This event is 10 days long! The Calgary Stampede is a marathon, not a race. But lucky for me, I’m a pretty good runner!


2 thoughts on “Calgary Stampede-So We Meet Again

  1. Camille

    What fun! I lived in northern Colorado for years and loved the Greeley Stamped and Cheyenne Wyoming’s Frontier Days. I must say they’ve upped the ante in the food department. I don’t recall anything fancier than corn dogs.

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