Canadian Expat Mom

Our Next Move…

Never say never. That’s what they tell us right?

Will I ever learn this lesson?

It happens at times when you don’t even remember the moment passing. A fleeting thought that flickers through your mind, and not until years later do you even remember thinking it. Then suddenly that thought comes back to teach you a lesson, and a brief moment of passing judgement comes back into your life carrying a megaphone, with speakers to project the volume of just how wrong you were.

A memory that was buried in my subconscious came reeling back and sent me into a tailspin of wonder, worry and anticipation.

Just over a year ago, a friend told me she was moving to Congo.

I’d never live there. I’d never move to Africa. Was my initial silent reaction.

Who was I to judge her decision? I didn’t know anything of the place she was moving, or anyone who lived there. I didn’t know her personal family situation, or the conversations, or possible struggle her family may have had to come to their decision. Yet, I took on the roll of Judge Judy like I owned it. Thoughts that would come back and bite me right in the backside a year later.

In case you haven’t guessed yet, our family is indeed moving to The Republic of Congo. We’re now the ones moving to Africa. *pauses to let the judgement roll in*

*I think it’s important to mention here that we are NOT moving to The Democratic Republic of Congo(DRC). This is the country you most likely have heard of on the news and is indeed quite dangerous. We’re moving to The Republic of Congo, which although sounds the same, is a completely different country!

Now back to my story….

Our first reaction: No way.

Our second reaction: No way.

Sheer panic and fear of the unknown had completely engulfed our household at the thought of Africa. We had thought and re-thought the situation so many times, from so many different angles that we could no longer tell what was best.

Sure we’d been to Morocco in North Africa on vacation, just as many people have. But sub-Saharan, West Africa—TO LIVE??? That’s crazy talk!

And of course everyone has an opinion, just as I did when my friend told me she was going there. We heard everything from people in Canada saying, ‘Are you insane!’ to seasoned expats saying, ‘What’s the big deal?’

The best thing for us to do was go right to the source. Lucky for us, we actually knew of several expat families who were already living in the town we’d been assigned to. We had families ‘on the ground’ from France, UK, Canada and The Netherlands, giving us an array of insight to what their current life there was actually like. They sent lengthy emails, pictures and even Skyped to ease our nerves. We listened, we internalised, and we went through all the steps that come with processing change. Then we came to the best decision we could for our family.IMG_0094

It was a decision that was not taken lightly, and not without a few sleepless nights and tear stained cheeks. It was the most difficult decision we’ve had to make since we decided I’d quit my job and we’d become expats, seven years ago.

So alas, with a lot of humming and hawing, we’ve decided our next ‘for now’ home will be Pointe-Noire, Congo.

There you have it; that’s our news! No doubt there will be stories to tell, and experiences to share. The ‘World Wide Webbs’ are off on what will likely be our biggest adventure to date!

Holy crap we’re moving to Africa!


*All artwork was done by my 4 year old daughter who coincidentally has been learning about ‘Afrique’ in school.

12 thoughts on “Our Next Move…

  1. Jennifer

    I wish you nothing but the best of luck and can’t wait to read about your adventures!!! There will be heaps of stress but you will come out of it ever the rockstar as you have with everything else!!

    1. Canadian Expat Mom Post author

      Haha!! I was waiting for you to read that! 😉 Happy to be your neighbour again as well.

  2. Lizzie Harwood

    No Judgy Judy here! Sounds like you’ve been going through really healthy steps – reacting with shock then asking a lot of questions and listening to friends on the ground. All good things to you and your family! That IS a coincidence about your daughter learning about Afrique. Great artwork!!

  3. margaret

    How cool! Africa is stunning. Your kids will love it and if you don’t, you’ll be off again in no time. People would judge no matter where you were going because they only think of the worst parts of that county and never the beauty. I had a million “Didn’t you see Midnight Express?” comments when we moved to Turkey and when we had kids there, “Didn’t you see Not Without My Daughter?” (um, no but that’s Iran…) Sounds like you have an awesome safety net in which to land too. Go girl, keep on flying!

  4. Linda Artinger

    Wow!! That’s awesome! Looking forward to reading about your adventures! Best wishes to you and your family in Africa.

  5. Faye

    Looking forward to more great articles. You’re young, strong and open minded. What a great education your girls are getting ! More experiences to come for the World Wide Webbs.

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