Canadian Expat Mom

Champs-Elysées…Does It Live Up To The Hype?

IMG_8784If you’ve heard of Paris, you’ve heard of the Champs-Elysées.  It’s a world famous street that comes with visions of all things wonderful.  When people visit Paris, they visit the Champs-Elysées.

The more time I spend in Paris the more I am forced to believe that this famous street has more than one personality, if you will.  I’ve seen the beauty of this street shine bright with parades and fireworks on July 14th as France celebrates Bastille Day. In moments like that there isn’t a street in the world more beautiful, or rich with history.

As the Tour de France finishes each year, and the streets are full of excitement as the cyclists come barreling down the cobblestone road; people from all over the world watch from their living rooms, falling in love with Paris via the Champs-Elysées.

I loved going to the Marché de Noël, and strolling up the street with my vin chaud.  Not only does this wonderful country make hot wine on a cold day, but they let you drink it in the street while you walk.  Everything is more beautiful with vin chaud!

These are the good times on the Champs-Élysées!

So what about if you walk down this world renown street on say, a regular day, in May, for example?  Unfortunately, the shine seems to fade a bit, and on more than one occasion I’ve been left wondering what all the fuss is about?

Let me show you in pictures….

To focus on the beautiful and celebrate what’s right, I’ll begin with L’Arc de Triomphe.  There’s no denying her beauty.  There isn’t a bad thing to say about this Paraisan landmark; except that perhaps you’ll need to hold your breath in fear if you’re trying to navigate a car around the intense roundabout that surrounds it.

IMG_8760The buildings that can be found on the Champs-Elysées are gorgeous and perfectly Parisian.IMG_8765If high end shopping is what you’re after, you have your choice of many shops, including what I like to call the Louis Vuitton castle.  Floor after floor of expensive fashion.IMG_8755Now here comes the not so fabulous part.

What happens when we walk across the street from the high end luxury shopping…


IMG_8763Does every wonderful landmark in the world need to have a McDo(as the French affectionately call it)sign plastered on it?

There’s also no shortage of touristy items for sale.IMG_8764The sidewalks are so full that it can be hard to find a place to walk.IMG_8782Be careful where you’re walking though because you might bump into someone that has stopped and decided to spend 20 minutes taking selfies with their brand new selfie stick.IMG_8767And of course the pigeons.  They are everywhere, eating the leftover fast food garbage that is left out.IMG_8779I also have to say that in all my time visiting and living in Paris, and Europe for that matter; Champs-Elysées is the only time I’ve ever seen someone have their purse stolen with my own eyes.  With all the tourists I guess it’s a magnet for pick-pocketers.

BUT…..even with all its negative points, as soon as I leave Paris, I can’t help but miss it.  I guess it’s like every relationship; when it’s over, we remember the good times.

I’ve highlighted the negative because sometimes, you have to set the bar low so that you won’t be disappointed.  If you haven’t been yet; you still need to visit this historic street, but know it’s not perfect.

I choose to ignore McDonald’s and keep my eyes up!IMG_8759See how nice it is above the tree line.  That’s the picture of the Champs-Elysées that I hold in my mind.  I will love her from afar, and forgive her for her faults.  Because even with the bad mixed into the good, there is still no one quite like her in the world, is there?

Listen to this song.  It’s one of my favourites and even with everything I’ve told you, you can’t help but want to stroll down her beautiful cobblestone as you whistle along.

Until next time Champs-Elysées.

2 thoughts on “Champs-Elysées…Does It Live Up To The Hype?

  1. noel

    I have so many other favorite parts of the city that are fun to explore and really soak in the French atmosphere far away from all the big brands and Multi-national chains. I just finished a series of posts on Paris and my favs on my blog.

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