Canadian Expat Mom

Foodie on the Road

Ciao Bella: A Girls’ Trip To Rome
Ciao Bella: A Girls’ Trip To Rome

Ciao Bella: A Girls’ Trip To Rome

If you don’t like attention, free drinks, or self esteem boosts, then I’ll save you the headaches and tell you right now: Stay home! However, if you’re not shy of a little attention thrown your way, then grab your lipstick,…

Let Them Eat Cake (Why Are The French Not Fat?)
Let Them Eat Cake (Why Are The French Not Fat?)

Let Them Eat Cake (Why Are The French Not Fat?)

As January comes to an end, I can’t help but imagine what life back home must have looked like over the past month.  Gyms were bustling with brand new sneakers and line ups to get onto the cardio machines.  Health…

Exploring Cheung Chau Island: Backcountry Hong Kong
Exploring Cheung Chau Island: Backcountry Hong Kong

Exploring Cheung Chau Island: Backcountry Hong Kong

Traveling with kids can be a trade off.  It’s not the first time I’ve said this.  Traveling as a family means that you still get to see the world, and you get to make wonderful memories together, but the sacrifice…